A hand taps a map on a cell phone affixed to the handlebars of a bike

Sustainable transport is one of the biggest challenges facing the world today

Electric transport is the most widely known option and the one most commonly driven by regulators, but it is not the only one, nor is it the fastest or most sustainable.

At the Repsol Foundation, we believe we need to consider all the technologies that will contribute to decarbonizing transport as quickly and efficiently as possible. These options include renewable hydrogen, biofuels, and synthetic fuels, and any other alternatives that may become available.

The goal: transport with a lower impact on the planet

When we use the word transport, we mean it in the broadest sense. It covers both personal travel as well as transport of goods. In both cases, the goal is to reach net-zero emissions.

We will do this through innovation and creating expert know-how highlighting the importance of technological solutions. This is possible thanks to our energy transition research programs.

The Pillars Holding Up the Repsol Foundation

These three pillars are essential to the energy transition. A solid chain from experts to society, to create and share know-how.

Research, with our Energy Transition University Research Programs.

Innovation, thanks to the Entrepreneurs Fund and its support for initiatives that drive change.

Dissemination, via Open Room, our open platform for sharing expert knowledge.

A Koiki delivery working

Koiki, Sustainability, and Inclusion

Two principles come together at this Repsol Foundation investee company: concern for the environment and for people. Koiki works in last mile logistics with a network of urban microcenters located in neighborhoods. It uses sustainable transport for its deliveries and creates job opportunities for people in vulnerable groups.