Series on hydrogen (2) “Mapping the future European Hydrogen Economy”

As part of the Repsol Foundation Conference series, we are hosting a series of webinars with ESADEgeo to go into detail with various experts on the future role of hydrogen in the European.

In this second session, we will speak about the importance of logistical development and its relationship with infrastructure in a European hydrogen economy of the future. Additionally, we will assess the optimal combinations of possible locations, scales of production, transportation, and storage.

In this way, we will see how the topology of a future hydrogen network will depend in large part on three factors:  The balance between the areas to produce hydrogen, the location of the end-users, and the options for delivery.

The event will be presented by Ángel Saz-Carranza, director of ESADEgeo, and will feature Guiliana-Maria Branzi, head of Climate Policies, SNAM, Gökçe Mete, the Leadership Group for the Industrial Transition of the Environmental Institute of Stockholm, and Monica Swanson, director of hydrogen programs, new businesses, and the international portfolio, Port of Rotterdam.