Close-up of solar panels with trees and a city in the background

We are working today on the cities of the future

Energy efficiency is key to transforming industry, but there is also much work to be done to make our cities and homes energy efficient. It is SDG 11 (United Nations Sustainable Development Goal) that focuses on this aspect.

The energy transformation of this urban habitat requires innovative tools and technologies that make possible both the evolution and the use of solar panels and sustainable architecture. It also need channels and experts to make them accessible to the whole of society.

The importance of energy efficiency in cities

Cities are home to more than half of the world's population*. They consume between 60% and 80% of the planet's total energy production and are responsible for 75% of global CO2 emissions**.

Due to increasing urban population concentration, cities tend to be representative of their countries' energy consumption and energy sustainability. Therefore, energy sustainability depends on the energy consumption behavior of the urban population and the public administration that regulates and manages them.

The solutions go in two directions. On the one hand, maximizing the use of renewable energy resources and on the other hand, optimizing energy consumption through the strategy known as Smart City. Success depends on the consumer taking advantage of the technological deployment, on which the Smart City strategy is based.

In this environment, the projects that Repsol Foundation has underway regarding the Energy Efficiency add value.

*Source: United Nations. World Urbanization Prospects.

**Source: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). 21 Issues for the 21st Century - Results of the UNEP Foresight Process on Emerging Environmental Issues. vol. 2. 3. 

More sustainable, inclusive and egalitarian cities with Hispaled and GNE Finance 

We support innovative companies such as Hispaled. Experts in LED technology solutions for public lighting to reduce CO2 emissions.

Efficient initiatives for the environment, but also for society.

Thanks to its laboral insertion program for young people in vulnerable situations.

From our investee company GNE Solutions we work in the eco-sustainable rehabilitation of housing, especially in vulnerable environments, reducing CO2 emissions and improving people's quality of life.

A woman operates a thermostat inside a home

Energy efficiency vs. energy savings 

Although they may seem the same, they are different concepts and it is important to differentiate between them.

Energy saving consists of limiting energy use and is associated with a reduction in performance. It reduces the energy used, but also the quality of life.

Energy efficiency, however, reduces energy consumption and environmental impact. But it does not reduce benefits, i.e., it maintains quality of life.

Learn more about energy efficiency on Open Room, our digital spreading platform.