Koiki delivery person entering a doorway

Koiki, sustainable delivery in cities

Repsol Foundation participates in Koiki. A parcel logistics operator with a network of urban microcenters for sustainable last-mile distribution. It also generates employment opportunities for vulnerable groups.

Sustainability and workforce integration with Koiki

It is an innovative company with an environmental and social focus, which is present in strategic points across the main Spanish cities and towns. It uses sustainable means of transport for its deliveries, improving the quality of life in cities.

It also creates employment opportunities for the most vulnerable groups in collaboration with social organizations, promoting their integration into society and the workforce.

The work of these groups is present in the entire Koiki process, from receiving packages, classifying them, customer service, and the delivery.

Koiki in figures

+ 200

Employment opportunities for people from vulnerable groups

+ 60

Centers throughout Spain

+ 1,100,000

Annual packages sustainably distributed

+ 490,000

Kilograms of CO2 saved in 2023